Diversity awareness is at an all-time high, and recent events have demonstrated that creating a diverse and safe workplace is every leader’s responsibility. Unfortunately, as stated in a recent report, Elevating Equity: The Real Story of Diversity and Inclusion, 80% of companies are just going through the motions and not holding leaders accountable. While most DE&I leaders look forward to a time when they work themselves out of a job, without new approaches, current DE&I efforts will not achieve that goal.
How can you help promote DE&I in your space? Keep reading to learn 3 steps you can take to be more intentional about embracing diversity in your team.
Diversity Recruiting: Pursue Diversity
The first step is to directly recruit and hire more diverse staff. This action starts the ball rolling for greater change. For a long time, equal opportunity (or affirmative action) was considered by too many to be lowering the standard. This was never correct. When we create a more inclusive workplace, we identify new solutions, see problems from previously unconsidered angles, and become more innovative.
Be Intentionally Inclusive (vs. Accidentally Exclusive)
DE&I is an intentional focus, not a standalone initiative. When we make a continuous effort to have diverse candidate pools, interview panels, managers and teams, we multiply perspectives, identify strengths in differences and build a more resilient organization. Bringing these new perspectives to the leadership table will pay dividends, so stay focused and intentional.
Bravely (and Humbly) Engage in Conversations on the Topic
Leaders are faced with the challenge of addressing topics that may have previously been thought “too political” for the workplace. Today, it’s widely known that speaking up is an opportunity to support your employees, live the company values, and passively recruit the thought leaders of tomorrow.
These conversations are not about politics; we’re talking about basic humanity. Something that so deeply impacts the wellbeing of your employees most certainly deserves a central place alongside your business imperatives. Your team cannot be expected to simply leave these issues outside when they walk through the (virtual) office door. Real change happens one conversation at a time, especially when all parties are actively listening with the intention of understanding.
How Can Innolect Help?
When you increase your awareness, educate yourself, become an ally and champion, and create a space for honest, nonjudgmental conversations, you make a difference. At Innolect, we are known for helping our clients “Think Differently.” We help build the foundation for employees to bring their best selves to work. If you are looking for innovative ways to mindfully build a strong, inclusive team and retain top talent, contact us today. Additionally, our products and assessments will help you develop new skills and capabilities to grow the leader in every member of your team.
Contact us to schedule a consultation:
(803) 396-8500