Gifts of Leadership: What Employees Say at the Dinner Table - Innolect, Inc.

Gifts of Leadership: What Employees Say at the Dinner Table

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another.”

– John C. Maxwell

During this season of festive gatherings with family and friends, meaningful conversations often take place around kitchen counters and dining room tables. Eventually, many of these dialogues turn to year end reflections and planning for 2016. And, it is not unusual for individuals to share and commit to New Year resolutions about what they’d like to do differently.

Have you ever wondered what your employees say about you when you’re not around? What if you could listen in on their metaphorical table conversations about you and your leadership? What would they say and what do you hope they’d say? Year-end planning is a good time to make leadership resolutions and goals for 2016.

The Gift of Leadership — Positive Legacies and No Regrets
Take a moment to ponder recent conversations with your employees and coworkers. What was the impact? Are you satisfied with how others experienced you as a leader? Did others leave encouraged or discouraged? Did you have any regrets about what you could have said or done differently? With each interaction, leaders have an opportunity to give a GIFT to employees — helpful feedback, advice, compliments, suggestions, lessons learned, etc. Take an inventory to determine your effectiveness.

– Did you recognize a job well done?
– Were you courageous in how you offered difficult feedback?
– Were you intentional with the messages you delivered?
– Did you solicit feedback and apply what you heard?
– Were you authentic when asked for advice?
– Did you take time to ensure clarity to minimize mistakes or faulty assumptions?
– Did you “tell the truth” with compassion?
– Did you adapt to the person and situation?

If not, consider making a leadership resolution, as a leader, to “gift” others more intentionally in the New Year. Build a positive legacy in 2016 by becoming the leader you admire in others.

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