4. How to Harness Conflict on Your Team to Fuel Creativity - Innolect, Inc.

4. How to Harness Conflict on Your Team to Fuel Creativity

Conflict is a common occurrence, but it can be harmful to working teams and the organization as a whole if not properly handled. Our earlier blogs outlined the CAUSES, IMPACTS and SOLUTIONS of interpersonal conflict on teams. It might surprise you to know, however, that not all conflict is a source for concern. In fact, conflict and dissatisfaction have been identified as catalysts for fostering innovation within organizations.

Here are a few benefits of harnessing conflict strategically:


  • Reveals Barriers and Misunderstandings

Conflict can affect team performance for the better by removing barriers and assumptions regarding a team’s tasks, strategies and goals. Conflict becomes constructive when it creates broader awareness about the team’s functions, leading to changes that will improve the productivity of its individual members. When explored and understood within the team, conflict can also lead to process improvements. For example, a deficiency in how the team communicates may be revealed, which can then be corrected.


  • Creates an Environment that Embraces “Creative Tension”

When the team is informed of the transformative powers of properly managed conflict, members are more likely to embrace the process of working through it constructively. This promotes an environment conducive to innovative problem-solving and improved team performance. This approach recognizes that conflict can stimulate critical thinking and challenge the status quo, leading to the exploration of alternative solutions.


  • Facilitates Cross-Collaboration

While the importance of collaboration within a team is well established, cross-collaboration in an organization can be even more critical. Teams from different backgrounds, departments and working styles can be challenging to navigate. However, if embraced and encouraged, conflict can enhance creativity and innovation across the entire organization.


  • Builds Trust

By standing in the fire together, team members gain new levels of trust in each other and their leaders. They emerge stronger and better equipped to tackle whatever comes their way. 


Rules of Engagement:

Here are a few ground rules to help your team harness the power of productive conflict, so that you can experience the potential benefits of creativity and innovation:

  • As a team, before you are embroiled in conflict, take the time to establish agreements on how conflict will be handled. Then, make it everyone’s responsibility to honor those rules of engagement. 
  • Ask open-ended questions that invite exploration. As a leader, this ground rule should apply in all team conversations, but it is especially important in a heated situation. Consider implementing a general rule that each person is expected to ask questions as often as they state their position. 
  • Engage with ideas, not individuals. Personal attacks are not allowed.
  • Acknowledge every team member’s contribution with genuine appreciation. Even if you disagree with their ideas, let them know you value their engagement. (This is where you might ask questions to find some value in their idea.)

How Can Innolect Help?

Although most people find conflict uncomfortable while they are experiencing it, leaders and team members can come to recognize its value as the team and the organization explore the conflict. It shows that people are engaged and passionate about the issues. Teams that learn how to handle conflict make better, innovative decisions in an atmosphere of trust.

Read our previous blogs in this series to understand the main triggers and causes of conflict in the workplace (Interpersonal Conflict on Your Team: The Causes), the impacts these conflicts can have (Interpersonal Conflict on Your Team: The Impacts), as well as potential solutions to resolve these conflicts (Interpersonal Conflict on Your Team: The Solutions).

At Innolect, we help build the foundation for you to bring your best self to work, and we thrive on building high-integrity workplaces. The bottom line? We are committed to helping leaders live with purpose as they develop and grow themselves, their teams and their organizations. Learn more about our approaches HERE.

Given interpersonal conflict within your working teams can be difficult to manage, our Innolect consultants are available to help you navigate them with grace. To set up a consultation or training, contact us today. Additionally, our products and assessments help leaders develop the skills and capabilities needed to grow exponentially. Consider ordering our latest book for you and your team: Ignite Your Imagination: 21 Ways to Learn.


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