Listener Preference Profile
From: $17.95
by Larry Barker, Ph.D., Kittie Watson, Ph.D. and James B. Weaver Featured on ABC’s 20/20
The Listener Preference Profile (LPP) has been used and field-tested with thousands of executives, managers and teams in workshops and training seminars around the world for over 30 years. Our listening preferences determine how we engage, influence, and make judgments and decisions. Influential leaders and facilitators learn how to adapt their messages to listening preferences of others to encourage them to listen. The LPP identifies four habitual listening responses: People-, Action-, Content-, and Time-oriented. The twenty item, self-contained format allows for easy administration.
Trainers, Coaches and consultants find the LPP easy to use. It can be scored quickly (usually 10 minutes or less) and provides immediate feedback to participants. With multiple reorders from organizations such as the American Management Association, universities, coaches and consultants, the LPP comes in convenient online and self-scoring versions.
- The online assessment includes:
- Assessment
- Customized interpretations based on individual scores
- Access to information about all four listening preference options
- Suggestions for listening development and adaptation
- The self-scoring assessment includes:
- Assessment
- Self-scoring answer form
- Listener preference grid
- Listener preference interpretation sheet
The LPP Facilitator Guide helps trainers, coaches consultants and individuals facilitate, administer, and/or interpret the Listener Preference Profile instrument. It provides details about the development, research and guidelines for using the LPP. Additional information about gender differences, listener avoidance, and multiple listener preferences is also provided.
Used most frequently during one-to-one coaching sessions, for corporate conferences with hundreds of participants, within teambuilding sessions and university classrooms, it offers high external validity and reliability from users who use the LPP with:
- Leaders and their teams to help members learn about each other as well as to adapt to those who listen differently.
- Executive and leadership coaches who help executives and leaders gain insight and greater self-awareness.
- Presentation coaches who help speakers analyze their audiences and adapt their messages to how others listen.
The facilitator guide is now in a spiral-bound book. New photo coming soon.
*When purchasing more than one copy of the LPP Online Assessments, an email will be sent after purchase that includes a link and code to be used for the number of attempts purchased.
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