Vision, Mission & Values - Innolect, Inc.

Create Inclusive Workplaces, Develop Strong Leaders, and Achieve Global Business Results

Innolect’s Vision

Better the world by growing leaders and building creative, high-integrity workplaces.

Innolect’s Mission

  • Create an inclusive environment where respect, understanding and encouragement of others, in and outside the company, is a business imperative
  • Achieve global business results using Innovative Intelligence® tools to engage, assess, develop and retain talent
  • Serve as trusted advisers and unparalleled developers of individuals, teams and organizations
  • Inspire high-impact leaders to bridge the talent gap and creatively navigate transformational change
  • Influence with a spirit of reconciliation and appreciation of cultural, ethnic and individual differences
  • Contribute to sustainability for present and future generations through our environmental, social and governance practices

Innolect’s Values

Client Intimacy


Form Deep Relationships: Forge unbreakable bonds, not just transactions.

Build Thought Partnerships: Negotiate shared expectations to foster trust, mutual respect, understanding and alignment.

Offer Pre-emptive Solutions: Anticipate needs and generate innovative ideas.

Apply Innovative Intelligence® Approach: Collaborate to reimagine possibilities beyond the ordinary or expected.

Commit to Outcome-Driven Solutions: Don’t just promise results—deliver them.



Challenge Assumptions: Break through comfort zones and redefine possibilities.

Lead Boldly: Take risks and transform failures into steppingstones for success.

Speak Truth: Honor agreements, uphold integrity and choose to say and do the “right” thing.

Embrace Discomfort: View discomfort as a powerful catalyst for growth and innovation.

Navigate Ambiguity: Approach uncertainty with confidence.



Embrace Curiosity: Propose bold ideas to generate change.

Expand Intellectual Horizons: Learn and cultivate limitless ideas.

Challenge Everything: Embrace creative genius to rewrite the status quo.

Inspire Imagination: Employ fresh thinking as a catalyst for change.

Uncover Hidden Treasures: Generate insight to spark collective genius.



Celebrate Success: Identify lessons learned and celebrate insights.

Seek Joy: Savor life’s simple pleasures.

Mirror Encouragement: Recognize others to multiply success.

Cultivate Abundance: Embrace limitless generosity; trust there is more than enough.

Pay It Forward: Share gifts received to spread the wealth.

Community of Trust

Community of Trust

Champion Collaboration: Believe in the power of working together to achieve greater outcomes.

Deliver Honest Feedback with Compassion: Share impressions and concerns openly, choosing words that are both true and kind.

Lead with Service: Practice servant leadership, considering the needs of others first to elevate growth and success.

Infuse Playfulness: Bring enthusiasm and a sense of fun to everything we do.

Cultivate an Integrated Life: Prioritize personal responsibility and fulfillment to ensure healthy well-being.

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