Shirley Ginwright - Innolect, Inc.

Shirley Ginwright

Senior Consultant

Shirley GinwrightShirley Ginwright specializes in building sustainable, trusting relationships between local communities and public safety agencies. In this capacity, she consults with and assists police departments in identifying issues that could have a negative community impact and recommend and implement solutions for positive change.

She helps to organize community members, organizations and leaders in reviewing and developing policies, procedures and programs, in support of the police department and assists with implementation of recommendations from President Obama’s Task Force for 21st Century Policing. Shirley has assisted the Fairfax County Police Department in implementing recommendations from the Ad Hoc Commission for the Review of Police Policies and Procedures.

Shirley, in conjunction with the Fairfax County Chief of Police, Chief of Fire Department, Sheriff and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, established the Communities of Trust Committee (COTC) to build and enhance positive relationships between public safety agencies and the communities they serve, with a focus on law enforcement. Due to strong leadership and outreach skills, the membership increased to include local, State and Federal law enforcement, faith groups, businesses and organizations.

To understand what was creating education inequities and how to eradicate the issues, Shirley became a substitute teacher. Shirley has over 40 years in building or reconstructing sound processes for businesses and community engagement. She has an extensive background in creating and maintaining an inclusive workforce, to include serving as a Diversity Manager. Shirley can often be heard or seen on television or radio programs, podcasts or conference panels, teaching a class or giving impromptu remarks. She has spoken at conferences sponsored by the Police Executive Research Forum (Perf), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She is recognized, by her community, as a leader and is often called upon when there are issues or concerns to help advocate on their behalf.

Shirley served as Fairfax County NAACP president, member of the Fairfax County Police Department Chief of Police Counsel, and Commissioner on the Ad Hoc Commission for the Review of Police Policies and Procedures where she chaired the sub-committee for Recruitment, Diversity, Vetting and Retention. She is a member of the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Advisory Board, Chair of the Communities of Trust Committee, former chair of the Criminal Justice Committee of the VA State Conference NAACP and Board member of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). She also served on the Commonwealth African American Advisory Board and the Fairfax County Chairman’s Task Force on Equity, appointed by the Governor.

Shirley meets with National, State and Local officials to initiate support for criminal justice reform. She has created a model to help build community trust and sustainable relationships that can be implemented throughout the country.

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