self-care tips Archives - Innolect, Inc.

self-care tips

Leadership Power is in the Margins: Create Space and Time to Think

What if you opened a book and it had no margins? Would you put it down and find something else to read or would you push through to get to the end?   It is the middle of November, with only seven weeks left in the year, and many leaders feel pressured to fill every minute […]

Leadership Power is in the Margins: Create Space and Time to Think Read More »

7 Strategies to Defeat (and Prevent) Executive Burnout

With so many demands on you—in time, money and energy, just to name the top three—executive overwhelm and burnout can seem like inevitable side-effects of the job. In truth, there is not a lot you can do to change these external factors; however, it is possible to shift your self-talk and the way you handle

7 Strategies to Defeat (and Prevent) Executive Burnout Read More »

Lead from Within: Self-Care Strategies for Leaders

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resurgence triggered by the Delta variant has placed an incredible amount of pressure and stress on all of us. This stress is even higher for leaders. You have the added responsibility of driving business success and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, all while navigating strange

Lead from Within: Self-Care Strategies for Leaders Read More »

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