Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging & Wellness Archives - Page 2 of 5 - Innolect, Inc.

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging & Wellness

5 Ways to Empower Women in the Workplace

Gender equality in the workplace has been shown to be undeniably beneficial for business. When women are recruited or promoted to teams and senior management, there is a boost in productivity, profitability, creativity and innovation, as well as overall improvement in decision making. Here are 5 ways to empower women and continue to close the …

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How Your Leaders Need to Support Women as Allies

Painting by Rebecca Ripley With Women’s History month, we encourage you to gain a deeper understanding of the women around you. What is their experience in your workplace and how might you become an effective ally? With greater self-awareness, we can all learn to model behaviors and institute practices that advocate for women and others …

How Your Leaders Need to Support Women as Allies Read More »

Why Leaders Are Failing at Holding Ongoing Equity & Inclusion Dialogues

As you reflect on events over the last 18 months, what is top of mind? Besides Covid-19, we are reminded of political unrest, cyberattacks, natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, etc.), Afghanistan US withdrawal, climate change, supply chain disruptions and ongoing racial and social justice issues. This is not a very upbeat list, so we need …

Why Leaders Are Failing at Holding Ongoing Equity & Inclusion Dialogues Read More »

How Supply Chain Diversification Benefits Organizations

Supply Chains are feeling the impact of the pandemic, natural disasters and cyber-attacks. There have been major delays in orders for PPE and safety supplies, as well as operational supplies and equipment, which have disrupted organizations’ supply chains across the country. While we once took availability for granted, we now understand the critical role of supply …

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Overcome Diverse Talent Barriers: Serve as a Mentor or Sponsor

Harriet Tubman showed remarkable courage as a servant leader; she led more than three hundred fellow slaves to freedom after first escaping herself. Not content to simply enjoy her own freedom, she journeyed back into slave territory 19 times to guide friends, family and strangers to freedom. Servant leaders today, who follow Ms. Tubman’s stellar …

Overcome Diverse Talent Barriers: Serve as a Mentor or Sponsor Read More »

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