Growing Leaders - Innolect, Inc.

Attract and Retain Talent and Accelerate Leader Development

Leadership Development

Innolect… Grows the Leader in Everyone

To succeed, organizations need to find the right people, hone their skills, tap into their inner genius, foster a high level of performance and retain talent. Innolect partners with clients to:

  • Attract and retain great people
  • Accelerate leader development
  • Strengthen talent pipelines
  • Build lasting, positive legacies
  • Develop leaders as key communicators
  • Foster “growth” mindsets that allow for “big” picture thinking

Growing Leaders Blogs

Self Awareness

Self-Awareness: The Cornerstone of Great Leadership

By Megan McGlothin | September 8, 2023

Honesty, drive and perseverance are all qualities of good leadership. But one of the key attributes that sets great leaders apart from good ones is self-awareness. The most successful and inspiring leaders are both introspective and self-aware. They foster a culture that builds and promotes trust, which results in happy and productive employees. Self-awareness can […]

Partner with an Executive Coach

Why Hire an Executive Coach?

By Megan McGlothin | May 27, 2023

As an executive or someone in a leadership position, it can be challenging to keep up with the ever-growing demands of the workplace. The higher you climb the corporate ladder, the more people expect from you. However, many leaders bristle at the idea of hiring an executive coach.  You have the skills, experience, background and […]

Monday Blues: Improve Resilience and Mental Health

The Monday Blues: Five Ways to Improve Personal Resilience and Mental Health

By Kittie Watson | May 26, 2023

Voluntary turnover, at an all-time high, is costing US businesses over 1 trillion dollars a year. With up to 40% of employees expressing job-related dissatisfaction and stress, corporate leaders have reason to be concerned. Consider, for example, the Monday Morning Blues or the stress employees feel about heading back to offices or work after the […]

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