Strategic Communication - Innolect, Inc.

Strategic Communication

A leader’s ability to communicate change quickly and effectively can mean the difference between an organization thriving or declining. During times of uncertainty, complexity and change, communication is the glue that:

  • Aligns goals for better coordinated action
  • Promotes faster, more effective decision making
  • Ensures smooth implementation

Our communication experts help leaders learn “best practices” to engage the right communication channels, processes and practices. We work to ensure that messages build trust, commitment and are:

  • Timely
  • Consistent
  • Aligned
  • Transparent

Time-tested Selected Communication Strategies and Tools

1. Communication Audits

  • Evaluate usage and effectiveness of current channels, processes and practices
  • Use technology most efficiently and effectively
  • Adapt messages to employee preferences and practices
  • Engage collaborative decision-making strategies and tools
  • Standardize operating procedures for clarity and engagement

2. Strategic Stakeholder Roadmaps and Communication Plans

  • Provide a framework to ensure messages, initiatives and actions cascade to key stakeholders
  • Revise plans as targets are met, circumstances change, or new objectives are identified
  • Measure outcomes
Transformation - painting a leaf

3. Key Communicator Programs

  • Communicate with Impact - Ensure leaders are well-informed and prepared with consistent messaging to:
    • Support the vision, values and change internally and externally
    • Engage and influence others to achieve goals
    • Present consistent, clear and compelling updates at the right time, through the right channels and to the right people
    • Listen to and involve others in key activities and goals
  • Team Briefings - Regularly scheduled face-to-face or enhanced video processes that encourage two-way communication from those closest to the source of information
    • Cascade information throughout the system within set time frame
    • Offer JIT data for managers to share with direct reports 
    • Provide consistent, timely and accurate information
    • Move through layers of workforce simultaneously
    • Maintain momentum during change initiative
  • Listening Groups - Forum to help leaders engage employees in dialogue to gain input as well as explore and discuss issues. 
    • Focus Groups:
      • Generate hypotheses for future opportunities
      • Develop sound approaches for intended audience
      • Gain understanding from those on the frontlines
      • Enhance use of survey results and delivery channels


Strategic Communication Blogs

Listening “Under Cover”

By Kittie Watson | January 10, 2014

When leaders fail to listen to employees, they put their companies at risk of missing out on new ideas, losing both their customers and their best people and earning a reputation as an unattractive place to work. It is estimated that as many as 40% of current employees would leave for a better environment if a position became available.

Listening: Who is the “real” expert?

By Kittie Watson | October 21, 2013

There seems to be a global crisis in how business leaders’ communications are perceived with only 24% rated as effective. This is a crisis because, for the second year in a row, communication, particularly transparent communication, was ranked as the most important attribute of effective leaders.

Trust in the Workplace

Communication 101: Back to Basics

By Kittie Watson | February 18, 2013

We live in the age of information overload. Yet, after years of connecting with and getting information to people instantaneously, there is a yearning to get back to communication basics.

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