Weight | 42 oz |
Dimensions | 11.75 × 10 × 1 in |
Watson-Barker Listening Test (WBLT)
From: $37.95
Listening is the communication skill we develop first and use most often. Studies show leaders spend at least 63 percent of their day listening. Yet listening is a communication skill for which we rarely receive formal training. For most of us, our listening habits are not the result of training. Rather, they are the result of a lack of training.
The Watson-Barker Listening Test (WBLT) was designed to help measure a person’s ability in listening comprehension. Used successfully at over 300 universities and Fortune 500 companies, the WBLT assesses listening comprehension and measures five types of interpersonal listening skills:
- Evaluating message content
- Understanding meaning in conversations
- Understanding and remembering information in lectures
- Evaluating emotional meaning
- Following instructions and directions.
The WBLT helps participants discover their abilities to follow instructions, remember key ideas, understand lectures, understand interactions, and evaluate information.
In a video format, the WBLT offers realistic on-the-job listening and includes audio and visual stimuli and various regional dialects. It simulates listening to televised messages as well as live interactions (no professional actors or actresses are used).
The WBLT Video Package for Form E & F – Includes:
- one DVD (each form requiring 40 minutes to administer),
- facilitator guide, and
- 20 self-scoring answer sheets (20 each of Form E and Form F).
- Additional answer sheets are available in packages of 50 and 100.
Note: The current version of the WBLT was designed to accommodate the needs of trainers and teachers who want to measure listening comprehension. It is primarily designed for use as a training and awareness raising assessment tool and not for research since the number of items has been reduced.
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