Growing Leaders - Innolect, Inc.

Attract and Retain Talent and Accelerate Leader Development

Leadership Development

Innolect… Grows the Leader in Everyone

To succeed, organizations need to find the right people, hone their skills, tap into their inner genius, foster a high level of performance and retain talent. Innolect partners with clients to:

  • Attract and retain great people
  • Accelerate leader development
  • Strengthen talent pipelines
  • Build lasting, positive legacies
  • Develop leaders as key communicators
  • Foster “growth” mindsets that allow for “big” picture thinking

Growing Leaders Blogs

The Disappearing Act: Where Did All the Leaders Go?

By Kittie Watson | August 1, 2019

In your next meeting, look to your right and then look to your left. It is likely that one of those employees will be working for a different organization next year. With unemployment at 4.4% in May and with 51% of employees actively looking for or willing to consider taking a new job, organizations are at risk of losing their best and most capable employees. The Corporate Executive Board estimates that 12% of all high potentials are actively searching for new jobs and turnover is contagious.

Decision Dangers of Target Fixation

By Kittie Watson | April 30, 2019

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”  – Paul J. Meyer Experienced motorcyclists know to avoid one of the most common reasons motorcycles crash – “target fixation.” They look ahead and anticipate unexpected obstacles. Sadly, novices often focus on what is directly in front of them and often steer right into it. Motorcyclists who look past obstacles such as curves, cars in their path or unexpected animals in the road, are better able to navigate around those obstacles and avoid accidents.

Leaders, Play Your Hand Well

By Kittie Watson | February 6, 2019

Leaders who have been recently promoted often discover they’ve inherited team members who they may not have chosen on their own. In fact, many leadership changes and promotions are designed to “clean-up” what other leaders have left behind. A leader’s future success depends on his or her ability to play the hand they’ve been dealt.

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