Growing Leaders - Innolect, Inc.

Attract and Retain Talent and Accelerate Leader Development

Leadership Development

Innolect… Grows the Leader in Everyone

To succeed, organizations need to find the right people, hone their skills, tap into their inner genius, foster a high level of performance and retain talent. Innolect partners with clients to:

  • Attract and retain great people
  • Accelerate leader development
  • Strengthen talent pipelines
  • Build lasting, positive legacies
  • Develop leaders as key communicators
  • Foster “growth” mindsets that allow for “big” picture thinking

Growing Leaders Blogs

Appreciation and the Science of Gratitude

By Kittie Watson | December 7, 2011

What can you do to energize yourself and your team? One way we can cultivate happiness is through the expression of gratitude and generosity.

Shake…Rattle…and Roll!!!

By Kittie Watson | September 15, 2011

How long has it been since you shook a wrapped package to guess what was inside? When was the last time you thought of something you wanted to do and put it off? What separates exciting and growing organizations from those that stagnate and die?

How to Balance Work and Life

Teetering on the Edge…work life balance

By Kittie Watson | August 10, 2011

During times of business upheaval, career moves, or family crises, many leaders picture themselves teetering on one foot as they manage competing priorities. What is “balanced” varies from person to person and is determined by many factors.

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