Attract and Retain Talent and Accelerate Leader Development
Innolect… Grows the Leader in Everyone
To succeed, organizations need to find the right people, hone their skills, tap into their inner genius, foster a high level of performance and retain talent. Innolect partners with clients to:
- Attract and retain great people
- Accelerate leader development
- Strengthen talent pipelines
- Build lasting, positive legacies
- Develop leaders as key communicators
- Foster “growth” mindsets that allow for “big” picture thinking
Growing Leaders Blogs
Are You Making Deposits to or Withdrawals from Your Trust Account?
“Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean.” — Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements With 40% of employees stating that they are open to leaving their current positions in 2022, they’ve expressed a perceived lack of inclusion and care from their managers. As organizations scramble to overcome talent resignations and […]
How Leaders Stay True to Their Mission and Purpose during Fresh Starts
In a world of uncertainty, employes see leaders pursuing the next “shiny” thing to ensure their survival, especially at the beginning of a new year, new quarter or even on their birthday. Researchers call this the “Fresh Start Effect.” Significant dates often cause us to reflect on what could change for the better, and many […]
Leadership Resolutions for the New Year
While many people are making resolutions to better themselves in the coming year, an area that does not get much focus is resolving to become a better leader. If you are in a leadership position of any kind, it is important to find ways to continuously improve, both for yourself and for your team. Below, […]
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