Team Building - Innolect, Inc.

Team Building

While leaders envision seamless teamwork, many teams experience distrust, conflict and frustration. Inadvertently, some leaders encourage competition instead of cooperation. Team initiatives flounder when one of more team members take credit for the work, fail to follow-through, get distracted and/or waste time. Innolect helps overcome barriers and implement strategies to move teams to high-performance.

Innolect Approach - Customized, Collaborative Designs

  • Link the future to the past and learn from the past. We believe that what has been done in the past must be affirmed and honored before people are willing to commit to a desired, unknown future. We use a specific process to help people see that future possibilities are extensions of past achievements, and that we must not deny or devalue what we have learned. Where we can go is always connected to where we have been. 

  • Keep group in charge of its work and its decisions. It is most important that participants in this process "own" the experience. We use processes and activities that engage participants to influence what and how work gets done. Our role involves co-creating and facilitating a strategic thinking and decision-making process that leads to the outcomes team members choose and commit to achieve. 
Driven to Perform

Team Building



Remote workers need to collaborate effectively as a team. We help employees think differently and address business challenges while having fun. Each customized event is led by skilled facilitators who engage in fast-paced, experiential learning processes.

We offer:

  • Team Learning and Assessments
  • “Living Room” Dialogues and Fireside Chats
  • Shared Problem-solving Challenges and Simulations
  • Icebreakers and Employee Engagement Tools

Team Building Blogs

What Does a Successful Team Look Like?

By Megan McGlothin | February 25, 2022

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” — Michael Jordan   When a group is running full steam ahead, with all talent aligned toward a specific goal, the energy is palpable. You can feel when a team is successful, but what does a successful team look like? Which of the following characteristics describe […]

Virtual Leadership: Address These Common Challenges

By Megan McGlothin | September 28, 2021

Many leaders are currently leading their teams online instead of in-person. It’s no surprise that there is now overwhelming and sometimes conflicting advice about how best to be a virtual leader. All the chatter makes it difficult to know where to focus. Below, we highlighted three (3) common challenges in leading a virtual workforce, and […]

Is Your In-House Training PURPOSEFUL (and Memorable)?

By Megan McGlothin | March 18, 2021

What do you remember from your last in-house training webinar? Have you taken time to review your notes, shared what you learned with others or actually made a change based on what you learned? As listening experts, we realize that most people forget 70% of what they hear if it isn’t reinforced and practiced within […]

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