Team Development - Innolect, Inc.

Team Development

Leaders today are required to build and motivate cross-departmental or cross-border teams, while honoring diverse cultures and people. Leaders want high-performance team members who openly collaborate and seamlessly hand-off quality work.

Yet, teamwork skills don’t come naturally. Leaders must establish expectations and norms for high performance. To achieve high quality work, team members need to learn how to navigate with agility and collaborate productively. We help:

  • Accelerate cross-functional collaboration
  • Align goals and work processes to business strategy
  • Jumpstart new teams and team member integration
  • Build safe environments for risk-taking, effective conflict management and creativity
  • Gain higher engagement, commitment and trust by getting all voices heard
  • Cultivate shared accountability and end-to-end ownership
  • Reduce rework and duplication of effort
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities
Business People - Having Board Meeting In Modern Office

QuickStart: Supports Team Integration and Development

QuickStart is a team development process model designed specifically for senior management teams that have formed as a result of a merger or acquisition. Led by experienced Innolect organizational effectiveness consultants, QuickStart rapidly creates team identity, builds team trust, and establishes a high level of team efficacy. The speed of QuickStart enables teams to achieve aggressive short-term business goals and build the foundation for long term strategic success.

Team Development Blogs

Build Your Virtual IQ℠ Series

By Kittie Watson | June 30, 2020

Both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the way we work is changing. With so many people now working from home, it can be challenging for leaders and teams to navigate how to both stay connected and collaborate effectively. We’re here to assist you with that challenge. As a team, we at Innolect have changed […]

Demonstrate Leadership to Overcome the Impact of Social Distancing

By Kittie Watson | March 17, 2020

According to Cigna’s 2020 Loneliness Index, there is a loneliness epidemic in America, with three in five adults (61%) reporting they are lonely (a 7% increase from 2018). During the Coronavirus pandemic, researchers expect greater social isolation and social distancing will have negative effects on employees, especially ones who already feel lonely or isolated.

Shape Your Team: Lessons from Centipede Races

By Kittie Watson | October 3, 2019

Do you ever hear seasoned employees complain about inexperienced hires or new hires complain about employees who have been around too long? Sadly, it’s fairly common. Some describe what is was like “back in the day” and believe others need to pay their dues. Others talk about doing things the way they’ve always been done rather than experimenting with new ideas. With multi-generational employees working side-by-side to achieve common goals, inclusive leaders help team members learn from each other.

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