Growing Leaders - Innolect, Inc.

Attract and Retain Talent and Accelerate Leader Development

Leadership Development

Innolect… Grows the Leader in Everyone

To succeed, organizations need to find the right people, hone their skills, tap into their inner genius, foster a high level of performance and retain talent. Innolect partners with clients to:

  • Attract and retain great people
  • Accelerate leader development
  • Strengthen talent pipelines
  • Build lasting, positive legacies
  • Develop leaders as key communicators
  • Foster “growth” mindsets that allow for “big” picture thinking

Growing Leaders Blogs

Future Leaders: How to Bridge the Talent Gap

By Kittie Watson | March 1, 2017

To win the war for talent, organizations need the equipment and tools to build a “learn, change, and grow” culture. Research consistently indicates that the most important factors in developing and retaining talent are engagement and professional development.

Leadership Influenza – Inoculation Strategies

By Kittie Watson | February 10, 2016

Leaders need to take year-round care to inoculate and prevent the unnecessary talent “influenza” such as workplace fatigue and resignations. Companies invest time and money in their employees and then their investments walk out the door when top talent leaves.

The Force Awakens…New Leadership Frontiers in 2016

By Kittie Watson | January 15, 2016

What do you want to do differently as a leader? Consider putting “AWAKEN LEARNING” at the top of the list.

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