Listening Architecture™ - Innolect, Inc.

Listening Architecture

Organizations are experiencing the Great Resignation. As listening experts, we know the TOP driver of retention is being heard. Organizations that listen, understand and act on what employees say are 15% more likely to retain them.

Most organizations don’t have well defined listening strategy. Innolect’s Listening Architecture is a deliberately planned approach to engage with and gain insight from employees. Our Listening Architecture equips organizations with quantitative and qualitative strategies that lead to greater inclusion and retention success at individual, team and systems levels.

Why is Listening Architectureimportant?

  • Shows employees that their voices are relevant and heard
  • Improves the employee experience and efficiency
  • Strengthens customer relationships
  • Reduces resignations and attrition
  • Establishes psychological safety for employees to speak their truth


  • Industry leader in listening assessments, products and services
  • International listening recognition and research awards
  • Field-tested, statistically validated listening assessments featured on ABC’s 20/20
  • Award-winning program design and implementation
  • Published scholarship and 6 Listening books
Strategic Listening Architecture

Reach out to us today…We ARE Listening!

Listening Blogs

Are Executives Getting the Best Information to Make Decisions?

By Kittie Watson | June 29, 2018

Ralph Nichols, considered the father of listening, once said, “Our educational system is upside down. We teach least the skill we use most–listening.” With intolerance and incivility on the rise, listening to understand, engage others, encourage ideation and distinguish accurate from misleading data is more important than ever.

Communicate with Impact: The Real Work of Successful Leaders

By Kittie Watson | June 11, 2015

What is the “real work” of a leader? Communication. Without clear and compelling key messages reinforcing their vision, strategy, priorities and values, leaders are not successful. All great leaders possess at least one key communication asset…

Leaders, Making a List: Checking It Twice…

By Kittie Watson | January 5, 2015

Considering that much of what leaders accomplish each day is done through others, communication effectiveness is crucial. Effective communication is the gift that keeps on giving.

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