Facilitation - Innolect, Inc.


Experienced facilitators identify, anticipate and guide groups toward productive communication dialogues and desired meeting outcomes. Innolect’s experienced facilitators anticipate and read the room in the moment to ensure meetings are productive and groups achieve desired outcomes for:

  • Conflict and Change Situations
  • Strategic Thinking and Organizational Alignment
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making

Our Master Facilitators:

  • Ask the right questions
  • Use structured methodologies to gain agreement and commitment
  • Offer a neutral third-party perspective 
  • Help address confidential business threats, legal issues and strategic opportunities
  • Employ technology to engage virtual stakeholders
  • Create a safe environment for dialogue and to confront thorny issues head on

We help clients bridge the uncertainty gap between before and after COVID-19. Remote work creates challenges as leaders and teams navigate how to both stay connected and collaborate effectively. Our team of executive coaches and master facilitators are helping clients:

  • Facilitate virtual strategic and scenario planning sessions
  • Manage their new environments with virtual webinars and teambuilding sessions
  • Learn with new platforms and development options
  • Grow talent with leadership assessment and executive coaching
Virtual & Remote Services

Critical Meeting Facilitation

Times of great uncertainty necessitate agile thinking to design both short and long-term alternatives. Our master facilitators guide strategy development and decision-making and help teams solve problems, innovate and implement change. We promote “fresh thinking” and intentional practices that DIVERGE (Zoom Out) and CONVERGE (Zoom In) to address complex business challenges.

We offer:

  • Scenario Planning (for uncertain futures)
  • Strategic Planning and Organization Alignment
  • Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making

Important Internal Meetings

Careful planning and preparation are essential to maximize meeting effectiveness. External facilitators often help teams gain insights and spend their meeting time productively. We use time-tested tools and techniques to help teams achieve tangible results. We focus on the right issues and avoid groupthink and other cognitive biases to reach agreement on actions. Typical sessions:

  • Increase cross-functional collaboration
  • Build safe environments for risk-taking and effective conflict management
  • Foster trust & commitment by getting all voices heard
  • Cultivate shared accountability and end-to-end ownership
  • Align goals and processes to business strategy
  • Stimulate interdependency to achieve goals
  • Foster creativity and innovation
client photo

Corporate Off-sites and Conferences

When senior management, boards of directors or sales organizations want a corporate meeting, they invite Innolect to facilitate customized designs. We understand the significant investment of time and money. We partner with and listen to clients, then work to determine the best ways to accomplish their goals using fresh, innovative meeting design. With most clients, we conduct assessments during the design phase. We use focus groups, phone interviews or questionnaires to target our format and approach. Using our experience and industry best practices, we:

  • Ensure the right people are included for governance, expertise and involvement
  • Prepare to ensure clear desired outcomes and success measures
  • Design the “right” activities, given the people, facilities and time available
  • Provide structure and engage the right subject matter experts
  • Offer proven decision-making approaches to ensure groups arrive at results that are jointly created, understood and accepted 
  • Build a shared experience for learning and transformation
  • Adapt in the moment to meet highest priority objectives
  • Increase chances for getting actual work done

Team Facilitation & Development Blogs

The Day the Crayons Quit

By Becky Ripley | February 16, 2021

With Groundhog Day just behind us, many leaders and their teams feel as if they’re starring repeatedly in the movie, Groundhog Day. With the hope of a healthier, brighter 2021, we find ourselves living a rerun of 2020. Individuals and teams still suffer from COVID-19 fatigue: struggling with staying at home and missing face-to-face interactions. […]

Build Your Virtual IQ℠ Series

By Kittie Watson | June 30, 2020

Both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the way we work is changing. With so many people now working from home, it can be challenging for leaders and teams to navigate how to both stay connected and collaborate effectively. We’re here to assist you with that challenge. As a team, we at Innolect have changed […]

Demonstrate Leadership to Overcome the Impact of Social Distancing

By Kittie Watson | March 17, 2020

According to Cigna’s 2020 Loneliness Index, there is a loneliness epidemic in America, with three in five adults (61%) reporting they are lonely (a 7% increase from 2018). During the Coronavirus pandemic, researchers expect greater social isolation and social distancing will have negative effects on employees, especially ones who already feel lonely or isolated.

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