Blogs - Innolect, Inc.

Blogs on Executive Coaching, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging, Employee Engagement, Retention Strategies and more

Fostering Responsibility in Your Teams

By Megan McGlothin | June 21, 2023

Regardless of the size of a team or organization, nearly every leader expects people to step up and take 100% responsibility—for their own career, for their engagement, for driving innovation–on and on the list goes. However, few leaders consider what they need to do to help foster an environment where people take responsibility within their […]

Partner with an Executive Coach

Why Hire an Executive Coach?

By Megan McGlothin | May 27, 2023

As an executive or someone in a leadership position, it can be challenging to keep up with the ever-growing demands of the workplace. The higher you climb the corporate ladder, the more people expect from you. However, many leaders bristle at the idea of hiring an executive coach.  You have the skills, experience, background and […]

Monday Blues: Improve Resilience and Mental Health

The Monday Blues: Five Ways to Improve Personal Resilience and Mental Health

By Kittie Watson | May 26, 2023

Voluntary turnover, at an all-time high, is costing US businesses over 1 trillion dollars a year. With up to 40% of employees expressing job-related dissatisfaction and stress, corporate leaders have reason to be concerned. Consider, for example, the Monday Morning Blues or the stress employees feel about heading back to offices or work after the […]

Are You Making Deposits to or Withdrawals from Your Trust Account?

By Kittie Watson | April 19, 2023

“Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean.” — Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements With 40% of employees stating that they are open to leaving their current positions in 2022, they’ve expressed a perceived lack of inclusion and care from their managers. As organizations scramble to overcome talent resignations and […]

How Are You Nurturing the Demands of What Your Employees Really Want?

By Becky Ripley | March 1, 2023

If you’ve ever wondered how to keep up with the changing landscape and demands about what employees want, you’re not alone. You may read articles with the latest research, order books that explain differences in expectations among Millennials, Generation Xers and Boomers—and still struggle with how best to engage and retain your most important assets—employees. […]

6 Ways to Support Employees’ Mental Health

By Megan McGlothin | February 8, 2023

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health concerns are on the rise and have impacts on organizations, large and small. A recent Gallup poll showed that fewer than 1 in 4 employees in the United States feel that their organizations care about their wellbeing. This has huge implications, as those who strongly agreed that their organization […]

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