Blogs on Executive Coaching, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging, Employee Engagement, Retention Strategies and more
How Leaders Stay True to Their Mission and Purpose during Fresh Starts
In a world of uncertainty, employes see leaders pursuing the next “shiny” thing to ensure their survival, especially at the beginning of a new year, new quarter or even on their birthday. Researchers call this the “Fresh Start Effect.” Significant dates often cause us to reflect on what could change for the better, and many […]
Leadership Resolutions for the New Year
While many people are making resolutions to better themselves in the coming year, an area that does not get much focus is resolving to become a better leader. If you are in a leadership position of any kind, it is important to find ways to continuously improve, both for yourself and for your team. Below, […]
How Companies Can Support Employees’ Work-Life Integration
Providing the framework for employees to better achieve work-life integration will help them become more creative and boost their overall productivity. More importantly for the business, it can increase retention rates and reduce absenteeism. So, how can you as a leader and the company as a whole help to promote this integration? Ask About […]
5 Ways to Empower Women in the Workplace
Gender equality in the workplace has been shown to be undeniably beneficial for business. When women are recruited or promoted to teams and senior management, there is a boost in productivity, profitability, creativity and innovation, as well as overall improvement in decision making. Here are 5 ways to empower women and continue to close the […]
7 Strategies to Defeat (and Prevent) Executive Burnout
With so many demands on you—in time, money and energy, just to name the top three—executive overwhelm and burnout can seem like inevitable side-effects of the job. In truth, there is not a lot you can do to change these external factors; however, it is possible to shift your self-talk and the way you handle […]
How to Help Managers Take Steps to Overcome Burnout
“I don’t have stress, but may be a carrier.” — Erma Bombeck As company leaders look for ways to turn the tide on the great resignation, one factor may have been overlooked: burnout. It not only contributes to an employee’s decision to leave, it also significantly impacts their health and wellness. According to a recent […]