Leadership Choices - How to Embrace Discomfort and Change - Innolect, Inc.

Leadership Choices – How to Embrace Discomfort and Change

Change is perhaps the only constant in our world. Whether you welcome or resist it, change is going to happen. Unfortunately, most of us tend to resist change, viewing it as a threat to a comfortable and stress-free existence. Yet, great leaders learn that personal change is a choice and embrace it.

Why Should You Embrace Change?

From the perspective of leadership coaching, we believe that (in order to be a great leader) you have the power to embrace change and guide others to do the same. When you do, you:

  • Are better equipped to handle anything life (and the job) toss your way.
  • Adapt in the moment and allow yourself to continuously improve.
  • Gain opportunities to open new doors that may have been closed. 
  • Move toward new insights and excellence. 
  • Grow courage, resilience, and maturity.
  • View failure as temporary and a valuable learning opportunity.
  • Create new relationships, while improving old ones. 
  • Develop greater emotional intelligence and improve your self-awareness.
  • Gain a sense of control over the unexpected.

How Can You Embrace Change?

Lasting positive organizational change begins with positive behavioral change in leaders. They use personal courage to move through and embrace discomfort. They choose difficult conversations rather than avoid them. They listen even when it isn’t what they want to hear. They take risks during times of uncertainty. They are direct, authentic, and tell the truth. Here are several tips to help you choose change:

  • Acknowledge your fears, and don’t hide from them. 
  • To build your confidence, identify times you have successfully chosen to change.
  • Base your choices on your values and leadership priorities.
  • Redirect your thinking toward positive outcomes. Remain optimistic!
  • Embrace change and proactively look for ways to apply creativity and option-thinking.
  • Stay connected to people who encourage, challenge and inspire you.
  • Take action, even if only small steps for change.

Effective leaders choose to embrace their own change mindset and work to build a culture of continuous improvement. Work to leverage your talents for success today!

If you are interested in more change tools, resources and/or one-on-one executive coaching, contact us:


(803) 396-8500


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