Blogs on Executive Coaching, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging, Employee Engagement, Retention Strategies and more
Should a Toxic Leader be Saved?
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are invested to help fix the bad behavior of leaders and managers each year. However, unless the person in question sees the need and is willing to change his or her behavior, the investment is a waste of company resources.
Toxic Leadership and Bully Bosses
Toxic leadership breeds a negative chain reaction in corporations, non-profits, government, educational and religious institutions. You might ask WHY toxic leadership is tolerated and even reinforced.
Optimistic Perceptions: Are They a Problem?
If you have a major initiative or project, it’s a good bet that there is unanticipated work beneath the surface that will add substantially to the schedule and resources it will take. If your team is stretched at the beginning of a new project, it will most likely become worse as things progress.