How Companies Can Support Employees' Work-Life Integration - Innolect, Inc.

How Companies Can Support Employees’ Work-Life Integration

Providing the framework for employees to better achieve work-life integration will help them become more creative and boost their overall productivity. More importantly for the business, it can increase retention rates and reduce absenteeism. So, how can you as a leader and the company as a whole help to promote this integration?


Ask About Their Work-Life Integration Needs

Start with a simple survey to learn what your employees really need and want. You may have a general idea about their challenges and opportunities, but you need to know what your workers feel they need to achieve effective work-life balance. In the survey, include questions about their work hours, flexible scheduling, what they need as working parents, elder care, etc. Their answers can allow you to identify specific improvement opportunities.


Offer (Frequent) Short Breaks

Even the most dedicated employees can suffer from physical and mental fatigue after an hour or two of continuous work. One of the best ways to combat this is with short-interval breaks. Establish a social area in the office where people can get away from their work and recharge. Encourage brief walks outside. End meetings ten minutes early, when possible, so all have the opportunity to regroup and refresh. Ask staff members when they last took a stretch break and remind them to do so.


Look for Ways to Make Schedules More Flexible

Flexible work schedules are one of the best ways to help employees create the integration they need between their personal and professional lives. Flexible scheduling encourages staff to partner with you to find that balance for themselves and determine how they work most productively. There are many options for flextime schedules. For example, consider providing a per-week hour requirement, but enable employees to choose when those hours are used, as long as core hours are covered. Or you might base performance around the amount of work accomplished (rather than hours worked), if that better suits your company’s culture.


Ensure Time Off is Actually Time Off

Frequently, employees are answering calls, texts, and emails on their days off (or even when on vacation). Unless it’s an emergency, employees should be left alone during their off days. It is impossible to recharge and focus on something other than work if your workplace calls, emails or texts every few hours. As a leader, it’s up to you to safeguard your staff’s downtime.


Be a Role Model

As a leader, you are an example to your staff. While you want to be a model of hard work, dedication and commitment, you also need to take time off yourself. It’s not mentally or physically healthy to work continuously. More importantly, your employees may be afraid to have a personal life if they don’t see you embracing yours. By taking breaks and fully committing to your time off, you encourage your employees to do the same.


How Can Innolect Help?

Contact us to schedule a training or to request support or additional guidance. We help build the foundation for you to bring everyone’s best selves to work; we thrive on building high-integrity workplaces. The bottom line? We are committed to helping leaders develop and grow their teams. Learn more about our approaches HERE.

To set up a consultation or training, contact us today. Additionally, our products and assessments help leaders develop the skills and capabilities needed to grow. Read our latest book: Ignite Your Imagination: 21 Ways to Learn.

Contact us to schedule a consultation:

(803) 396-8500

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