Blogs on Executive Coaching, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging, Employee Engagement, Retention Strategies and more
Do You Have the Courage to be a Radical Empathizer?
Even during the pandemic, star athletes physically and psychologically prepare for their next athletic challenge. Just as athletes prepare for marathons, triathlons, the gridiron and other physical contests, leaders need to prepare for difficult or challenging situations. Today, many leaders and managers tell us that they’re afraid to start a conversation or dialogue about racial […]
Building an Inclusive Workplace from the OutsideIN
Most organizations work diligently to recruit a diverse workforce, with a range of ages, abilities, ethnicities, religions and worldviews. Identifying and hiring talent with such diverse backgrounds and characteristics is an accomplishment. Once hired, you can check off that Diversity & Inclusion box, right? Not so fast! Having a diverse workforce is only half of […]