Blogs - Innolect, Inc.

Blogs on Executive Coaching, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging, Employee Engagement, Retention Strategies and more

“Athena Style” Leadership

By Kittie Watson | October 25, 2013

Feminine values drive broad business benefits and create lasting mutually beneficial relationships with customers and communities. Successful businesses foster environments for cooperation, communication, nurturing and inclusiveness while assuring tough decisions are made and people are accountable for results.

Listening: Who is the “real” expert?

By Kittie Watson | October 21, 2013

There seems to be a global crisis in how business leaders’ communications are perceived with only 24% rated as effective. This is a crisis because, for the second year in a row, communication, particularly transparent communication, was ranked as the most important attribute of effective leaders.

Employees Have Left the Building

By Kittie Watson | July 25, 2013

Successful off-sites are carefully orchestrated and bring people together around a common cause, while building trust and cohesion among participants.

Sustainable Legacies™

By Kittie Watson | June 28, 2013

Rather than thinking about a legacy as the last stage of a person’s career, the Sustainable Legacies℠  program invites leaders and their companies to view their legacy as a story being written each day of their working lives.

Jackie Robinson

Unwritten Rules: Courage to ACT

By Kittie Watson | June 18, 2013

Good leaders understand and play by the written rules of their organization. Yet, a company’s unwritten rules are the ones that most influence employee behavior.

Pay it forward

Paying it Forward

By Kittie Watson | May 8, 2013

Small acts of kindness create momentum to build more positive workplaces and better the world. The ICU nursing team at Carolinas Medical Center understood the intensity faced by their counterparts at Mass General Hospital after the Boston Marathon bombing.

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