Blogs - Innolect, Inc.

Blogs on Executive Coaching, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging, Employee Engagement, Retention Strategies and more

Overcome Failure with a Growth Mindset

By Kittie Watson | November 18, 2019

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high, and we miss it, but that it is too low, and we reach it.”  — Michelangelo… Many people give up after a significant disappointment. Yet, others are inspired to try again, learn from their mistakes and go on to achieve great things. Consider the following:

Shape Your Team: Lessons from Centipede Races

By Kittie Watson | October 3, 2019

Do you ever hear seasoned employees complain about inexperienced hires or new hires complain about employees who have been around too long? Sadly, it’s fairly common. Some describe what is was like “back in the day” and believe others need to pay their dues. Others talk about doing things the way they’ve always been done rather than experimenting with new ideas. With multi-generational employees working side-by-side to achieve common goals, inclusive leaders help team members learn from each other.

The Disappearing Act: Where Did All the Leaders Go?

By Kittie Watson | August 1, 2019

In your next meeting, look to your right and then look to your left. It is likely that one of those employees will be working for a different organization next year. With unemployment at 4.4% in May and with 51% of employees actively looking for or willing to consider taking a new job, organizations are at risk of losing their best and most capable employees. The Corporate Executive Board estimates that 12% of all high potentials are actively searching for new jobs and turnover is contagious.

Crawfish Incivility: Actions Leaders Need to Reward

By Kittie Watson | June 14, 2019

When people from Louisiana hear the word Crawfish (crayfish, mudbugs or crawdads), most imagine crawfish boils and mouth-watering crawfish tail recipes. Locals catch crawfish using a string and bait, trap or even by hand. Once the crawfish are captured, they’re placed in a pail. First-timers are often surprised that these pails rarely include lids. They think that without a lid, the crawfish will crawl out. While they do try, once they reach the rim, other crawfish reach up, climb on and pull them back down. None of the crawfish escape.

Decision Dangers of Target Fixation

By Kittie Watson | April 30, 2019

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”  – Paul J. Meyer Experienced motorcyclists know to avoid one of the most common reasons motorcycles crash – “target fixation.” They look ahead and anticipate unexpected obstacles. Sadly, novices often focus on what is directly in front of them and often steer right into it. Motorcyclists who look past obstacles such as curves, cars in their path or unexpected animals in the road, are better able to navigate around those obstacles and avoid accidents.

What Can Aspen Teach Us About Collaboration?

By Kittie Watson | March 22, 2019

Did you know that aspen trees in Trembling Giant grove in Utah are the oldest living organism in the world—over 80,000 years old? You might ask, “how is that possible?” Our answer is twofold: Collaboration and Support.

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